New Data Sheets – Distributed Self-Service for Synthetic Test Data Automation

by admin on Jun 01, 2023

Earlier this month, GenRocket announced a groundbreaking platform that automates the delivery of synthetic data directly into CI/CD pipelines operated by distributed teams of developers and testers. It’s the industry’s most extensive platform for combining synthetic data generation with production data masking and subsetting to provide a single platform for any kind of test data provisioning.

GenRocket Distributed Self Service Platform

Today we are following up that announcement with a series of data sheets to more fully describe the key components of the platform. The new data sheets include G-Portal, G-Questionnaire, G-Families, G-Categorization, and G-Analytics. We’ll be adding additional information to our Knowledge Base and Flight School educational courses in the weeks ahead.

GenRocket Data Sheet G-PortalGenRocket Data Sheet G-QuestionnaireGenRocket Data Sheet G-FamiliesGenRocket Data Sheet Project CategorizationGenRocket Data Sheet G-Analytics

Download them all to learn about this exciting new functionality in the GenRocket Test Data Automation platform.

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