Professional Services Launch Party
On a chilly Saturday night in Dedham, MA, at the Rose residence, a large, inviting fire was roaring in the fireplace emanating heat and ambient light throughout the room. A vegan spread of roasted vegetables, fresh fruit, mixed sausages, marinated olives and grape leaves decorated the table with bright colors and tantalizing smells.
A computer screen sat at the ready, with the GenRocket® promotional video and slide presentation, eagerly waiting to play for the evening’s guests.
The time had finally arrived for us to celebrate GenRocket with an official Launch Party! Guests began arriving at 6:00pm, and immediately, the house was filled with dynamic conversation, friendly laughter, and good spirits. Introductions were made around the room so that everyone could see how they fit into the GenRocket puzzle; each person, a very important piece.
By 7:00pm, it was time to start the presentation. Garth started off by playing GeRocket’s promotional video, which was met by applause at the end. He continued on seamlessly with a slideshow presentation explaining what GenRocket is and what services it can provide. Hycel and I took the lead halfway through by performing a live demo for the guests. We set up several generators, receivers, and scenarios showing how quickly an engineer could specify what kind of data he needs. We then showed how precisely GenRocket could generate that data and followed up by showing how quickly that data could be amended if the requirements suddenly changed. Everything went really well and GenRocket sang; it flew through our list of requirements and generated the required data without a hitch. It was surreal to see how far we’ve come and exciting to demonstrate that for our guests.
Speeches were made thanking all of those who have contributed to GenRocket’s current success, be it our business partners, current clients, our attorney, advisors, our families and friends. An emotional moment was shared between the business partners as we recognized how much time, effort, and hard work it had taken to get us to this point. Additionally, it seemed that each person in the room had something positive to say about the product and it’s designers, which really amped up the feel good attitude of the evening.
And what party would be complete without a cake? The GenRocket wives had planned to decorate this vegan chocolate cake with a big, representative letter “G,” alas the frosting would not cooperate… It was still delicious though; as was the buzz that circulated around the Rose’s house long after the last party guest had departed. By the end of the evening, Garth, Hycel, and I sat around the fire, as it began to die down, and recounted the evening. It was perfect! Thanks again to all who were able to make it to the party, to share in this significant moment with us!