[VIDEO] Powerful New Enhancements from GenRocket

by admin on Jul 27, 2023

GenRocket has released many new and powerful features over the last two months to expand the capabilities and scalability of its Test Data Automation (TDA) platform. Our solution now offers a single platform for provisioning masked and subsetted production data or synthetically generated data. We’ve created some new videos (and data sheets) to explain many of these new capabilities.

Here’s a short video in which CEO Garth Rose presents the value of these new capabilities.

GenRocket Test Data Automation

And here is a brief demonstration of our new TDA Self-Service Platform in action.

GenRocket Test Data Automation

We also developed three new data sheets that address major enhancement to our platform – The automated synchronization of Test Data Projects, intelligent data subsetting, and synthetic data masking. Download them all and then let us know if you have any questions about them.

Synthetic Data Masking

With GenRocket’s Synthetic Data Masking (SDM) feature, you can create controlled and conditioned synthetic data to replace sensitive production data. GenRocket supports most common SQL databases (Oracle, MS SQL, IBM DB2, PostgreSQL, MySQL). Synthetic data masking can also be used to mask secure values in most common file formats (Any delimited files such as CSV, Fixed File such as VSAM, X12 EDI, JSON, XML, ORC).

GenRocket Synthetic Data Masking

Intelligent Data Subsetting

This new capability offers a way to subset production data based on different selection parameters. The platform supports most common SQL databases, such as Oracle, MS SQL, IBM DB2, PostgreSQL, MySQL, and many others. Users can subset based on the value of an attribute in a table, # of rows, % of rows, and more.

Additionally, subsetting can work in conjunction with GenRocket’s Synthetic Data Masking (SDM) to ensure the subset data does not contain any sensitive data such as PII or PHI. Users can also leverage the synthetic data generation engine to augment a production data subset with controlled and conditioned synthetic data.

GenRocket Intelligent Subsetting


G-Repository automates the synchronization of Test Data Projects between GenRocket cloud and your local environment where the test data is generated. This smooth and streamlined synchronization ensures that synthetic test data is generated from the latest Test Data Project components.

GenRocket G-Repository

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See how GenRocket can solve your toughest test data challenge with quality synthetic data by-design and on-demand