Using GenRocket Presets for Demos, POCs and Project Templates

by admin on Feb 06, 2019

This edition of the GenRocket Advisor is devoted to the concept of GenRocket Presets, a new enterprise productivity feature that simplifies the task of supporting demos and POCs and accelerates the creation of more customized test data projects.

With GenRocket Presets, anyone on the QA or Sales team and provide a quick demonstration of GenRocket functionality for customers and prospects or use them in a proof of concept (POC) setting to validate GenRocket’s capabilities as a superior source of application test data.

As an example, one could illustrate GenRocket’s ability to provide quality test data for banking applications using GenRocket’s Bank Solution Preset for Credit Card Transactions to instantly generate large-scale credit card transaction history test data.

Presets can also be used to jump-start the creation of Project Presets, which are templates for the use and re-use of test data projects based on an organization’s unique data model. Project Presets allow testers to copy, edit and adapt a test data project for use with another application or multiple version of the same application.

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