Synthetic Data Redefines the Test Data Lifecycle

by admin on May 26, 2021

In traditional Test Data Management, the test data lifecycle is based on the premise that some or all data used for testing is sourced from production. The use of production data requires a strict lifecycle management regimen to ensure test data is continuously:

  • Secure and compliant with all data privacy laws
  • Up to date in terms of its data structure and formatting
  • Refreshed after each test and returned to its original state

Test Data Lifecycle

Now many organizations, especially in financial services, are mandating the broad use of synthetic data for testing to ensure data privacy. Synthetic data brings a fresh approach to managing the test data lifecycle and significant changes to traditional test data management. It leverages the power of Test Data Automation to accelerate the process. It unlocks the flexibility of synthetic data to meet any test data challenge. And it removes the risk of using PII for testing and the requirement for masking and managing production data during the provisioning process.

Read our latest blog article and learn how synthetic data redefines the test data lifecycle.

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