More Than Just Automation – GenRocket Provides Intelligent Automation

by admin on Sep 21, 2022

“Intelligence” doesn’t usually describe the process of automation. But as with many aspects of GenRocket, the two words do fit together to perfectly describe many features of the GenRocket platform.

GenRocket Methodology

Throughout the four stage GenRocket lifecycle – Model, Design, Deploy, and Manage – Intelligent Automation makes the entire process smoother, easier, and faster for DevOps teams.

Peek Inside GenRocket Intelligent Automation

  • Model: Intelligent Automation (IA) is used to accelerate the process of modeling Test Data Projects with referential integrity so that the Project accurately reflects the structure and data attributes of the target application, database, or transaction set.
  • Design: IA detects data relationships within an application and quickly establishes “Families” of related data tables, automates the design of Test Cases, and much more.
  • Deploy: Throughout the entire testing process, GenRocket Intelligent Automation automates the setup of Receivers with no coding or manual processes required.
  • Manage: IA automatically collects test data activity and usage across the platform and sends and organizes the summary usage data into a comprehensive analytics and reporting dashboard called G-Analytics.

Automation is introduced in a process to save time. With GenRocket Intelligent Automation, you save time and take test data quality to the next level. The entire process is faster, smoother, and better than Traditional Test Data Management or Synthetic Test Data Management. GenRocket is truly in a class by itself.

Read the full article, here: Intelligent Automation

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