What’s New in the GenRocket Platform

by admin on Oct 28, 2020

In this edition of the GenRocket Advisor, we provide an update to acquaint you with some exciting new features that have been added to our Test Data Automation platform.

New Graphics to Visually Show Parent-Child-Sibling Relationships

As you may know, GenRocket holds the only US patent for generating Real-time Synthetic Test Data with referential integrity. Now we’ve made everything a lot more visual; making the process of assigning and validating data relationships more intuitive and graphical with a dynamic diagram of parent-child-sibling relationships.

Support for Generating Complex, Nested Parquet

Apache Parquet is an open-source column-oriented data format for the Apache Hadoop ecosystem and a staple of Big Data applications. Its complex nested data structure is designed for high performance database operations. A new Receiver has been added to GenRocket to support the generation of complex and nested Parquet output files.

Faster EDI Customization for Health Care Organization

We’ve made it faster and easier to customize any X12 EDI transaction set with a fully expandable tree view of EDI electronic documents with the ability to edit any segments and loops. The new EDI tree view is incorporated into the Test Data Cases / G-Cases dashboard.

Generate Multiple Avro Files with a Set Number of Records

Like Parquet, Avro is a Big Data file format and part of the Hadoop ecosystem. While parquet stores data in a columnar format, Avro stores data in a row-based format suited for applications that scan or retrieve all fields in a row. GenRocket has recently added a RecordsPerFile parameter to control how many records will be included in each generated output file.

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