The Great Test Data Debate

by admin on Nov 20, 2018

In this week’s edition of The GenRocket Advisor, we would like to share an article by GenRocket CEO Garth Rose published in the November edition of TEST Magazine. The article outlines top QA testing challenges and gauges the value of real-time synthetic test data versus production test data as solutions for those challenges.

TEST Magazine was created specifically as a voice for professionals who are serious about software testing and quality in the modern software development environment and is read by over 10,700 members across Europe, the US and South Asia.

The article makes the case for TDG as a high-performance engine for generating quality test data that is secure, controlled, conditioned, and available on-demand for all categories of testing using a platform that seamlessly integrates with test automation frameworks and CI/CD pipelines.

The article provides 6 evaluation criteria for making the production data versus synthetic data decision. Each criterion addresses an important challenge for the QA team – speed, cost, quality, security, simplicity and versatility. For each criteria, the value of synthetic test data is explained and/or quantified by the author. We hope you enjoy the article and encourage you to share it with co-workers and colleagues.

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