How Self Service Test Data Enables DevOps at Scale

by admin on Jan 06, 2021

Agile and DevOps have become standard operating procedure for modern software development. But for most organizations, enterprise-wide deployment is still a work in progress. 54% struggle with the process of implementing Agile at scale and 79% have failed to reach the more advanced deployment stages of DevOps.

To bridge the gap, enterprises are sharply focused on the use of automation and self service platforms to achieve the full benefit of Agile and DevOps at enterprise scale. GenRocket can play a major role in helping QA organizations scale their operations with a self service platform that automates test data provisioning throughout the CI/CD pipeline.

With GenRocket, Test Data Automation can be applied to any category of testing, such as unit, API, integration, end-to-end, security, load and compatibility testing to accelerate continuous integration and delivery. In our latest blog article, learn how GenRocket’s Self Service Test Data Automation platform can be seamlessly integrated into an Agile and DevOps environment to enable enterprise-wide deployment and realize the full potential of Agile and DevOps at scale.

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