What’s New in the GenRocket Platform

by admin on Aug 25, 2021

Here is a brief summary of the top new features and enhancements recently added to the GenRocket platform. You can access a full description in our knowledge base by clicking on the “Learn More” button below.

Selective Test Data Case (G-Case) Download

The Selective Test Data Case Download feature may be used to select one or more G-Cases within a G-Case Category and download only the selected G-Cases rather than downloading the entire G-Case Suite.

XTS Wizard Form and Performance Enhancements

Several XTS Wizard fixes and enhancements have been added for improved performance and usability.

Organization Attributes Enhancement

A Reference Icon has been added within the Organization Attributes Table to show Organization Attribute references across different Projects within an Organization.

G-Repository Enhancements

Proxy support and additional command lines are now available for G-Repository.

New EDITemplateReceiver

The EDITemplateReceiver uses an EDI Document as a template and then creates one or more EDI Documents by replacing the sensitive data with synthetically generated data at the position configured within the Receiver.

H2InsertV2Receiver Enhancement

A sharedConnection Parameter has been added to the H2InsertV2Receiver. It provides an option to share the database connection, which is helpful within the Partition Engine where each instance will require a separate connection.

ImageTemplateReceiver Enhancement

Additional Receiver Property Keys have been added to the ImageTemplateReceiver to allow references to the Domain’s Attributes that make the Receiver more powerful.

NumberToWordsGen Generator Enhancement

The NumberToWordsGen Generator has three new Generator Parameters for increased flexibility: wordStyle, remainderWord, and caseType.

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