Top New Features and Enhancements for August

by admin on Sep 22, 2021

All GenRocket product enhancements are designed to make it easier for testers and developers to generate their own synthetic data using our flexible self-service platform. Last month our engineering team added 7 new capabilities designed to do just that. Here is a list of new features and enhancements we added during the month of August, and a link at the end of this newsletter to learn more.

XSD Choice Option

An XSD can be imported to automatically create Domains, Attributes, and other components in an XML document. The XSD Choice Option makes it easy to select each element that should be within the declaration for Domains created during the import process.

Domain Tree View for XSD

To ease the process of switching an XSD Domain segment on and off, GenRocket has added a Domain Tree view icon in the G-Case Editor available in a G-Case.

Added Web APIs to Browse Old Version Jars

New Web APIs have been added to Swagger Hub to enable browsing old version jars.


The BigQueryReceiver uses the BigQuery APIs to make requests to the BigQuery system to populate the data. This Receiver passes the generated data in the payload of the request in JSON format.


The DynamoDBReceiver traverses one or more JSON payload subdirectories and for each file found within the directory passes generated data to the given DynamoDB target.

ExponentialDistGen Generator

The ExponentialDistGen Generator computes the value of X within an exponential distribution given the amount of time and optional decay.

MatchStringEvalCaseGen Generator

The MatchStringEvalCaseGen Generator checks a list of values for a match to a compared value. The list of values may be a set of Constants, Attribute references, or a combination of both.

Test Data Queries (G-Queries) Platform Bug Fixes

Several fixes were implemented for reported bugs within the Self Service Portal to improve its usability, performance, and stability.

You can learn more about these features and enhancements in our Knowledge Base.

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