[Announcement] G-Families Streamlines Synthetic Data Provisioning

by admin on Jun 06, 2024

We are thrilled to announce the release of GenRocket’s latest innovation, G-Families. This groundbreaking technology simplifies the design and deployment of synthetic datasets for testing complex database environments, addressing significant challenges faced by testers and developers.

Challenges in Modern Data Environments:

In today’s intricate data landscapes, developers and testers face challenges in understanding data relationships, ensuring referential integrity, provisioning controlled and conditioned test datasets, and maximizing test coverage. These obstacles often lead to incomplete testing and undetected defects, posing significant risks to software quality.

The G-Families Solution:

G-Families transforms synthetic test data provisioning by visually representing complex data table relationships in large hierarchical databases as “families” of related data domains. Grouping related data tables into logical “families” simplifies the process and automates the design of executable Test Data Cases. This innovation allows for the on-demand generation of the precise test data for any testing category.

GenRocket G-Families Groupings

Key Benefits of G-Families:

  • Enhanced Test Coverage: Generates controlled synthetic test data, ensuring comprehensive test coverage and reducing undetected bugs.
  • Reduced Time and Effort: Automates data generation, saving considerable time compared to traditional methods.
  • Scalability: Handles complex and large-scale data requirements, suitable for enterprises of all sizes.
  • Increased Efficiency: Simplifies the design and reusability of Test Data Cases, accelerating test data provisioning and test cycle times.

“We continue to add sophisticated capabilities that streamline the data provisioning process to our component-based Test Data Automation platform,” said Garth Rose, CEO. “GenRocket has secured its place as the industry leader for delivering the future of Test Data Management.”

Learn more about G-Families and explore our documentation and video tutorials on our website. There you will find a high-level overview, a link to our knowledge base articles, and a four-part video series.

Request a Demo

See how GenRocket can solve your toughest test data challenge with quality synthetic data by-design and on-demand