The ROI of Synthetic Test Data Automation – Part 2

by admin on May 04, 2022

Last month we published an ROI analysis that measured the cost savings from test cycle time reduction realized by deploying synthetic test data automation to multiple DevOps teams. The analysis showed that depending on the number of teams deployed, savings from the cycle time reduction alone can easily reach hundreds of thousands of dollars per year.

This week we are publishing part 2 of this ROI analysis to address the potential cost savings from a reduction in software defects, and they are truly compelling. As in our previous analysis, we use very conservative assumptions to project the annual cost savings from defect reduction.

  • Application size (1000’s of lines of code)
  • Average defect rate (bugs/1000 LOC)
  • The time it takes to fix defects
  • Hourly rate to resolve defects
  • Projected rate of defect reduction

Defect reduction comes from increased test coverage. GenRocket’s synthetic test data automation platform can be used for test data scenarios that are simply not possible with conventional test data sourced from a production database.

  • All combinations and permutations of data
  • Positive and negative test data values
  • Boundary and edge case conditions
  • Patterned and rules-based data values
  • Stateful and dynamic workflow data
  • Fresh data uncorrupted by prior usage
  • Billions of rows of data for load and performance testing

When the financial impact of defect reduction is combined with cycle time reduction, the potential cost savings from synthetic test data automation skyrockets to millions of dollars each year.

This ROI analysis demonstrates how the GenRocket platform pays for itself in a matter of weeks or months. The faster and broader the GenRocket deployment grows, the greater the return-on-investment your organization will realize.

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